



最諷刺的是,如果我是先聽這些歌而不是伴隨著畫面一同出現,那麼這些歌曲不會帶給我這樣的震撼,難怪 Cameron 也說,音樂永遠都是電影的精髓,是不可或缺的一部分,我想對音樂而言,畫面更是強化記憶的線索,更是每每讓我糊裡糊塗愛上它的原因...



兩張專輯中,讓我最印象深刻的,竟是 Ryan Adams Come Pick Me Up !!

我告訴很多朋友時,還有人問我,是不是 Brian Adams,哈!


不過老實說,我對這位歌手並不是很了解,而且對於他的其他作品,我也沒有特別深刻的感覺,但也許 Come Pick Me Up 就是伴隨著伊莉莎白小鎮的每一慕,已經植根在我的腦中了,似乎再也難以連根拔起了!


奇摩還沒有辦法讓我放影音檔,至於另找網路空間對我這個 21世紀科技產物使用白痴者而言,有點辛苦說!

所以大家就自求多福,因為這年頭要找 MP3,實在是一件絕對不會太困難的任務啦,不然真的想要的人再跟我講,我寄給你囉~~




伊莉莎白小鎮電影觀後 Note 在這裡 


Lynn  2006/05/26  01:20


Come Pick Me Up

by Ryan Adams
When they call your name
Will you walk right up
With a smile on your face
Or will you cower in fear
In your favorite sweater
With an old love letter

I wish you would
I wish you would
Come pick me up 
Take me out
Fuck me up
Steal my records
Screw all my friends
They're all full of shit
With a smile on your face
And then do it again
I wish you would
When you're walking downtown 
Do you wish I was there
Do you wish it was me
With the windows clear and the mannequins eyes
Do they all look like mine

You know you could
I wish you would
Come pick me up 
Take me out
Fuck me up
Steal my records
Screw all my friends behind my back
With a smile on your face
And then do it again
I wish you would
I wish you'd make up my bed 
So I could make up my mind
Try it for sleeping instead
Maybe you'll rest sometime
I wish I could


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