How A life would take shape base on a single decision?
Do you know who you are?
Do you understand what has happened to you?
Do you want to live this way?
這是,Christina 問著病人的話。
Do you want to live this way?
第一次,Christina 全身癱瘓的病人搖頭,決定拔掉插管死亡。
Christina 走出病房,走向了 Owen,決定和 Owen 在一起,為了他,她放棄不生小孩、成為偉大醫生的夢想,成為兩個小孩的母親,為了當一個好母親,她失去了許多機會,但當看著Owen的笑容,她告訴自己,這是值得的。
多年後,當 Christina 出席醫學獎典禮,她,是頒獎人,不是領獎者。
Do you want to live this way?
第二次,Christina 全身癱瘓的病人點頭,決定活下去。
Christina 走出病房,走向了 Owen,她告訴 Owen,她不要孩子,終身致力於她所熱愛的醫學,可 Owen 卻因為這樣的決定,日漸消沉,喝酒埋怨,最後,連醫生都當不成。
Christina 的病人,埋怨自己的妻子,當初為什麼不讓他去死。
當 Christina 出席醫學獎頒獎典禮時,她,是受獎者。
If there's one thing i have learned over the years,
It's that it only takes one person, one patient, one moment,
to change your life forever.
to change your perspective, color your thinking.
To force you to re-evaluate everything you think you know,
to make you ask yourself the toughest questions,
Do you know who you are?
Do you understand what has happened to you?
Do you want to live this way?
Do you want to live this way?
Do you know who you are.....
Do you understand what has happened to you.....
Do you want to live this way.....
Do we ... really know?
Do I, Want to live this way?