諾曼第Preview 3~Tom Hanks


暨上次介紹完Damian Lewis,接著換來跟大家聊一下湯姆漢克斯了。他是我很欣賞的演員之一,雖然長的不帥,卻很可愛,生於1956年,現在已經50歲了,想到第一次看到他的時候,捲捲的頭髮配上呆呆的笑容,現在的他卻已經是胖胖的囉,時間過的真是快啊。


Hanks teamed up with Steven Spielberg, with whom he’d just made Saving Private Ryan. This formidably talented pair went to industry-leading, US TV company, HBO to try and get Band of Brothers off the ground. Confronted by the multi-Oscar award-winning duo, HBO at once agreed to back the project to the tune of $120m, making it the most expensive TV series ever produced.



As well as serving as executive producer with Spielberg, Hanks has also directed one of the episodes, co-written another, and he even makes a cameo appearance as a British paratrooper!



Hanks feels that the Second World War veterans are ''The Greatest Generation''. Like all of us, he is in awe of the sacrifices they made.



"I am fascinated by this period and see it as something that very much relates to how we live our lives today. The world is still, by and large, a question of what is right and what is wrong. And the best example that we can have at our disposal is to take a look at what happened during the Second World War."



Hanks feels the power of Band of Brothers is that over the course of the ten-hour drama, we get to know the characters intimately, we identify with them and care about their fate.



"Never mind what it must feel like to see your best friend die in a hole next to you. Never mind what it must be like to see your best friend lose his leg. Never mind what it must take to squeeze off a little piece of metal on your rifle and kill some person across a field who may be 42 years old or 16 years old, who could have been a friend under different circumstances.
"What we're doing with Band of Brothers is trying to put it into human terms, so it is not just a flickering, black and white myth on a screen, it is a resonant story. I want the audience to recognise themselves in these men. They're not just mythic heroes."

("不管看著你的朋友死在你眼前的感覺,不管看著你的朋友在你眼前失去一條腿的那種感覺,不管當你扣上扳機殺死經過你眼前的人要付出什麼代價,他可能是42 的成人也可能是16歲的男孩,更不論如果在其他的情形下,他們可能會是你的朋友。我們藉著諾片想要告訴大家的是,這是一群人的友誼,不只是一部電影,黑白的影像,而是一個可以引起迴響的故事。我希望觀眾可以記住這些人,而不只是把他們當成神話英雄")


Hanks underlines that the producers of Band of Brothers were careful not to ride roughshod over the history of the Second World War. The scriptwriters were rigorous about checking their facts with Ambrose and the surviving members of Easy Company.



"We sweated bullets in order to achieve authenticity," Hanks reveals. "There are two types of authenticity. What's relatively easy to accomplish are things like making sure the buttons on the uniforms are right, the ammunition is correct and the locations look like they looked in the photograph."



The thing that's much harder is the motivation and the nature of the interplay between the characters. So we were always forcing every moment of every page of the script through this  of authenticity. We said, 'look, if we can't be sure what they said and did at any given moment, we must at least capture the emotional reality of being there."



Hanks concludes by restating his hope that Band of Brothers may remind us exactly what that The Greatest Generation sacrificed for us. "As filmmakers, we certainly hope to entertain those in search of a great story. We also hope to enlighten those who are unaware of history and those who are unappreciative of the human cost of preserving our great freedoms."



以上文字引用自 http://www.bbc.co.uk/drama/bandofbrothers/features/tom_hanks.shtml






Lynn 2006/07/13



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