Band of Brothers (Preview 2) ~ Damian Lewis
Richard D. Winters在當時諾曼第的戰爭中,他是一位傳奇人物,要在短短一年餘之時間,從中尉排長昇到少校營長,只有在戰爭中才有可能發生。
講到溫特斯這樣的人物,當然也不可避免的要來聊一聊飾演這位傳奇人物的演員,Damian Lewis。
Damian Lewis 於1971年2月11日生於英格蘭,倫敦。16歲即成立自己的電影公司,1993年成為Royal Shakespeare Company舞台劇演員,也因此受到史蒂芬史匹柏的賞識,有此機會出演HBO自製迷你影集諾曼第大空降的主角,溫特斯。
以下節選 Damian Lewis 對於自己如何得到這個角色以及整部影集過程的心路歷程(中文翻譯部分僅為筆者簡略闡述大意,有錯誤請見諒)。
Lewis feels honoured to be playing the part of such a great man and privileged to be starring in a drama with such an important message. He believes Band of Brothers is likely to be seen as one of the most significant television undertakings of the decade.
"Band of Brothers shows us the horror of war and demonstrates the effect it has on a group of young men", he says. "History doesn't have much impact if you just issue a bunch of dates and military maneuvers. It is most effective when it features drama between real people, and when the real human cost is evident."
But playing the role of Captain Winters, a decorated war hero, also brought its own pressures for Lewis.
"When I first sat down to watch Band of Brothers with Dick and the other veterans at the world premiere in Normandy, it was incredibly nerve-wracking.
When you're playing a real-life person and he's there, you want everyone to react positively to your portrayal of him. It's not just a question of whether it's a credible performance, but whether it's a credible performance as him. At the end, I was relieved because the other veterans came up and said to 'you've nailed him'. That took a lot of the pressure off."
Lewis would be the first to admit that he also felt pretty nervous at his Band of Brothers audition in Los Angeles, where he had the pleasure of meeting the drama's executive director Tom Hanks.
"I met Tom Hanks on the Friday, and he was very enthusiastic", he recalls. "But I didn't think I'd got the part. So I went out on the lash with a mate till five in the morning, only to be woken at eight by the casting director saying 'Mr Spielberg wants to see you at 12'. I had four showers, but I still felt drunk!"
Fortunately for Lewis his audition with Steven Speilberg begun in a quite unusual manner. He recalls, "The first thing Steven said to me was, 'I've got to go to my son's soccer match this lunchtime. Do you know anything about the game?' Even though I was happy to talk about football, I was having a weird time because I thought it was an audition."
Tom Hanks reveals that he knew instantly Lewis was the right man for the part. He says, "We were looking for an enigmatic leader, a guy you can't explain, but who explains himself by his mere presence. We wanted someone with a certain air about him that comes across even before he opens his mouth. Lewis had that without question, as soon as he sat down we knew."
Lewis is proud to have been involved in the Band of Brothers production, and is confident that it will have the desired effect on audiences over here.
He say, "I hope viewers come away from this thinking that what the men of Easy Company achieved was extraordinary. It's important that they're immortalized in this way.''
(以上文字引用自 )
Lynn 2006/07/11